Built in 1989, lovely rural setting on one side of the sports field. Facilities include car park, play area, hall, kitchen, and meeting room, A separate but connected sports pavilion provides changing room and showers, Kitchen and meeting room .
Not just another building!
You can find all manner of activities here, such as: playgroups, study groups, clubs or meetings. You can learn a new hobby, find a place to hold a birthday party or wedding reception, or even a mini conference all this within your local village hall.
For further information and bookings please contact
Navestock Village Hall,
Navestock Side
CM14 5SD
e-mail: navestockvillagehall@gmail.com or roy.tyzack@btinternet.com
Telephone: Adrian 07448396087 or Roy 0777512687
Navestock Village Hall Charitable Trust